Poreč, Turistični vodič za počitnice v Poreču, Istra
Euphrasius basilica (Porec, Istria)
The Euphrasius’ Basilica is the Cathedral of the Ascencion of Maria, but is because of Bishop Euphrasius, who built it, better known as the Euphrasius’ Basilica. The interior and façade of the church are made with glorious mosaics and belong to the most beautiful protected parts of the Byzantine masterpiece from the 6th century. The church shines from mosaic diversity. Euphrasius basilica Info
The Baredine cave - Nova Vas (Porec, Istria)
In the underground world of the Baredine Cave you can see a treasure of unique sculptures, stalactites and stalagmites shaped over thousands and thousands of years by the amazing play of nature. The Baredine Cave is a protected natural and geomorphologic landmark, as well as the first caving site of Istria where, from this year on, you can see a historic exhibition of tractors, an exhibition of bread and oil, and a wine bar. Baredine cave Info
Plava Laguna (Blue Lagoon)
Plava Laguna Resort is known for its beauty, and the peace and quiet that surround it make it ideal for a peaceful and relaxing vacation in Istria. This scenery was shaped for long walkings by the sea, lounging on the beach and for relaxing the mind and soul.
Zelena Laguna (Green Lagoon) (Porec, Istria)
In terms of high standards and a wide range of facilities, Zelena Laguna is a unique resort in both Istria and Croatia. This magnificent landscape of pure beauty hides a number of different hotels, campsites and apartments. The only thing you need to do is come and enjoy yourself.
Materada Area (Porec, Istria)
Nature was exceptionally unselfish in the north part of Poreč where Materada Area is located. All the facilities of Materada Area are surrounded by green areas and the only thing standing between them and the nearby sea are attractive beaches and sunning areas.
Main street Decumanus (Porec, Istria)
Decumanus connected the square Marafor in the western part of old city with city gates at its eastern end. Roman Forum with Temples dedicated to Roman gods was located on the Marafor square. There is still today a Romanic house and a few beautiful Venetian gothic palaces.
Poreč Zgodovina
Poreč je zanimivo slikovito mesto, ki se nahaja na zahodni obali Istre. Lepa in bogata narava v okolici mesta zagotavlja odlične priložnosti za pridelovanje vina, obširne nasade oliv in predvsem za razvoj turistične industrije. Vendar pa se je zgodovina mesta začela že pred 2000 leti. Med številnimi narodi, ki so se naselili na tem predelu, so bila tudi Ilirska plemena Istre. Istrska plemena so premagali Rimljani. Ko so ti zavzeli Histris se je začela nova doba kulture in politike. Poreč je bil prvič omenjen 50 let pr.n.št., kot utrdba imenovana Opidum. Kasneje so na poreškem polotoku zgradili vojaško utrdbo in jo poimenovali Castrum. Pomemben zgodovinski prelom se je zgodil po določenem času, ko je bila ta naselbina razglašena za osrednje administrativno, kulturno in ekonomsko mesto rimske kolonije. Ostanki Neptunovega in Velikega templja so bili najdeni na konveksnem delu polotoka. Našli so jih na Maraforju, pravokotnem trgu, na katerem so se do danes ohranili rimski tlakovci, skriti pod današnjimi tlemi. Arhitekturni presežek, ki je deležen največje pozornosti, je Stolnica Marijinega vnebovzetja, ki datira v 6. stoletje. To je najlepši primerek bizantinske arhitekture in umetnostni spomenik na jadranski vzhodni obali.