Ali načrtujete izjemne družinske počitnice v družbi svojih otrok v Istri, na Hrvaškem? Nekaj dni sončenja, oprezanje za vedno novimi pogledi na prostrano morje ter spoznavanje lokalne kulture... No, Istra je najboljši prostor za preživljanje poletnih dni na vročem soncu. Vprašanje je, kako izbrati zanimive aktivnosti za vso družino? Ne recite ničesar več! Tukaj je seznam fantastičnih krajev v Istri, ki so popolni za vsakogar, tudi za vašo družino in otroke.
Zanimivosti in aktivnosti za otroke in družine v Istri
Dino Park, Funtana (Vrsar, Istria)

Destination: Funtana, Vrsar
Be prepared to meet the scariest creatures of that era.
Dino Park Info

Aquarium Pula, Verudela (Pula, Istria)

Destination: Verudela, Pula
Representatives of European rivers and lakes.
Aquarium Pula Info

Aquarium Umag (Umag, Istria)

Destination: Umag
Center for marine research.
Aquarium Umag Info

Aquarium Rovinj (Rovinj, Istria)

Destination: Rovinj
Center for marine research.
Aquarium Rovinj Info

Aquarium Porec (Porec, Istria)

Destination: Porec
Fish and other live organisms from the Adriatic Sea.
Aquarium Porec Info

Squirrel Park (Umag, Istria)

Destination: Katoro, Umag
Umag and Istria are a home for many animal species.
Squirrel Park Info

Boškarin (Kanfanar, Istria)

Destination: Kanfanar
The autochthonous Istrian ox with huge horns.
Boškarin Info

The first Istrian Butterfly Garden (Bale, Istria)

Destination: Eia, Bale
Many different types of plants and flowers.
The first Istrian Butterfly Garden Info

Istrian Dinosaurs (Brioni, Istria)

Destination: Brioni
Dinosaurs trod on the Istrian peninsula.
Istrian Dinosaurs Info

Tears of St. Lawrence (Višnjan, Istria)

Destination: Višnjan
Astronomy lovers can still enjoy observing the sky here.
Tears of St. Lawrence Info