Croatia Open tennis tournament ATP (Umag, Istria)
The ATP Croatia Open Umag is more than just an outstanding ATP World Tour tennis tournament. The event has helped to establish Umag as a symbol of high-quality Croatian tourism. In 2012, Marin Cilic became the first homegrown champion since the tournament's inaugural edition in 1990.
Croatia Open tennis tournament ATP Info -
Lighthouse Savudrija (Umag, Istria)
Savudrija is the oldest lighthouse on the Adriatic Sea. It was built in 1818. It is also the most northern Croatian lighthouse, located right next to Slovenian border and only 56 km south of Italian town Trieste.
Savudrija Info -
Church of St. Mary (Umag, Istria)
A miraculous event determined the destiny of the church of St. Mary of Mercy on her construction outside the town walls. The old records say that a rich man named Paolo Razizze (Pavle Račica) from Buje, who had a vision of Our Lady in his dream in 1497, set out on a journey to a workshop in Venice in order to bring her statue to Buje. -
Katoro beach (Umag, Istria)
Near the town Umag you can visit an attractive tourist settlement Katoro which gathers few highly categorized hotels. Here you can find high quality restaurants, shops and other facilities, and especially outdoor pools. On the beach Katoro you can take a rest but also have a great fun since there are offered many sport activites. The beach is awarded with a Blue flag.
Katoro beach Info -
Ornithological reserve Mirna River delta (Umag, Istria)
The lagoons of the Mirna River delta and Tarski Cover create a perfect habitat for the migration, overwintering and nesting of birds of water habitats. This is where the Dunlin, a Siberian nesting bird, stops over when it flies across Croatia during summer migration in flocks of about 30 specimens. This area is soon to become a special ornithological reserve, giving it the formal framework needed for providing protection not only to the wide diversity of birds of living there, but also to the wetlands, one of the few remaining in the Mediterranean. -
Nature Park Škarline (Umag, Istria)
Nature Park Škarline is an indivisible part of local identity . Visitors to the area sometimes miss the visit to Nature Park Škarline. It doesn't take long to discover this perfectly preserved nature park, located only two kilometres from Brtonigla and named Škarline after the stream that springs in the park. Along its course to Mirna River, several kilometres to the south, the stream has created clummy, green canyon, unique of its kind in Istria. A vast landscape with meadows, two small lakes and a bridge is the first view of the park. Some benches and a tap for potable water make this picture-perfect area a great spot for a picnic.
Umag, Turistični vodič za počitnice v Umagu, Istra
Umag Zgodovina
Slikovito mesto Umag je nastalo na severozahodni obali Istre. Njegovo lepoto so odkrili že rimski plemiči, ki so tukaj ustanovili mesto in ga poimenovali Umacus. Sprva je bil zgrajen na majhnem otoku na ostankih rimskih hiš in je ohranil srednjeveško strukturo mesta. Rimska kolonija je tukaj zgradila obzidje in mesto povezala z notranjostjo. Leta 1268 je padel pod roko Benečanov in pridobil položaj pomembnega pristanišča. V 14. stoletju je bil popolnoma obdan z obzidjem, katerega del na jugozahodni strani je delno ohranjen še danes. Mesto je pravi labirint ozkih ulic, ki vodijo med kamnitimi stavbami iz 15. in 16. stoletja. Številni ostanki in zgodovinske stavbe, ki so se ohranile do danes, so razkropljene po celem starem mestu in vsaka od njih nosi svojo lastno zgodbo o preteklih časih. Med največje znamenitosti mesta sodijo: Mestno obzidje z mestnimi vrati in dvižnim mostom, ki so bili zgrajeni pred več sto leti, utrdba (ena izmed ohranjenih), današnji Mestni muzej, ki je bil nekoč ena izmed mestnih utrdb in je poznan tudi kot Škovska palača ter renesančne zgradbe. V mestu so tudi številni zgodovinski spomeniki, kot so Zgodnjekrščanski sarkofag, zazidan v zid iz 5. stoletja in stare kanonske krogle iz genovske vojske. Umag je fascinantno mesto, polno mešanice starinskega duha in moderne družbe, ki ceni zaklade preteklih časov. Mesto vsebuje veliko edinstvenih spomenikov, kot so: Župnijska cerkev sv. Device Marije, ki vsebuje dragocene ostanke različnih zgodovinskih obdobji, kot so ornamenti iz 18. stoletja ter cerkveni zvonik iz 17. Stoletja, ki krasi cerkev sv. Pelegrina, zavetnika mesta. Umag je eno izmed najbolj znanih obmorskih letovišč na obali. Je tudi dom ene izmed najbolj prestižnih ACI marin in vse bolj cenjeni športni center z odlično opremljenimi športnimi objekti.