The Beach Bijeca (Medulin, Istria)
This popular sandy beach extents one km along the coast, and it is attractive for young people who play water games in the shallow water. Directly on the beach you can rent the different equipment for sea fun and sports.
Beach Bijeca Info -
Premantura (Medulin, Istria)
Premantura is enclosed in a nature that not many places can boast of. The southest point of the town is Cape Kamenjak – a protected landscape 9.5 km long, 1.5 km wide, with altogether 30 km of indented and intact coastline. There are rare the places in the world where the sea is so blue-green, so clean as here at the southernmost cape of Istria.
Premantura Info -
Lighthouse Porer (Medulin, Istria)
It was built in 1833 at the top of the cliff which is bearing the same name. It is situated south-east of the southern cape of the Istrian peninsula. The Lighthouse consists of a high round stone tower and a ground floor building having an area of 220 m2 in total.
Porer Info -
Medulin archipelago: Ceja, Levan, Bodulas
If you are seeking adventure, visit one of the many small islands of the Medulin archipelago - Ceja, Levan or Bodulaš. They can be easily reached by boat, taxi boat or you can even rent a boat and make it a one day excursion. Moreover, the Medulin archipelago is a heaven for windsurfers, water skies and divers. Another possible activity is go fishing with the local fishermen or dive into the stillness of the underwater world. Maybe, if you're an adventurer you would like to see it all from above? Then choose a panoramic flight by sports plane. -
The Church of Saint Agnez (Medulin, Istria)
The Church of Saint Agnez was built in 1893. It is the ony church in Istria with two bell towers which can be seen from a bigger distance. The church is often visited during the summer as a part of the cultural manifestation held in Medulin since there are many concert that are kept inside the church.
Medulin, Turistični vodič za počitnice v Medulinu, Istra

Poleg tega je medulinska riviera odlična izbira za kolesarjenje, saj se na tem področju nahaja ena izmed najbolj čudovitih gorskih kolesarskih tur v Istri. Medulinska tura je dolga okoli 60 km in poleg glavne ture ponuja še štiri dodatne poti. V Medulinu so vam na voljo tudi številne druge aktivnosti, kot so jahanje, tenis in odbojka na mivki. Medtem ko uživate v raznoliki ponudbi Medulina, si vzemite nekaj časa in obiščite antični Pulj, Istrske mumije, Nacionalni park Brioni, Nacionalni park Kamenjak, Benetke, jame Baredine ali pa se odpravite na panoramski polet preko celotnega področja. Za zabaven zaključek dneva se lahko odločite za obisk enega od številnih festivalov, ki se na tem področju odvijajo poleti ali pa preizkusite specialitete Medulina, kot so solata z raki, sipina rižota, Istrski pršut ali katera od aromatičnih specialitet, ki so izdelane iz tartufov. Uživate in sprostite se lahko med koncerti klasične glasbe, plešete na odprtih terasah ali obiščite katerega od številnih nočnih klubov ter se zabavate do jutra.