Svetilniki na istrskih otokih in rtih so posebni kraji za unikatne izlete. Svetilniki sodijo med najbolj pomembne pomočnike pri navigaciji, saj omogočajo varno navigacijo podnevi in ponoči, posebno med predeli morja, ki veljajo za bolj nevarne. Postavljeni so na najbolj vidnih in oddaljenih delih hrvaškega teritorialnega morja. Sestavljeni so iz kamnite zgradbe z vidnim svetlobnim stolpom. Običajno imajo glavno in pomožno svetilko. Doseg glavne svetilke je 30 NM. Nekateri svetilniki so opremljeni še z napravami racon in/ali detektorji megle ter sirenami za opozarjanje na meglo. Danes so vsi svetilniki avtomatizirani in nadzirani s pomočjo kontrolnega sistema, ki deluje na daljavo. Vendar pa ima, predvsem zaradi njihove velike pomembnosti pri zagotavljanju varne plovbe, pa tudi z namenom zaščite svetilnikov pred podrtjem, 17 svetilnikov še vedno osebje (1 ali 2 varuha svetilnika na smeno).
Svetilniki v Istri
There are 9 lighthouses in Istria, large and small. They are spread from the northwest coast towards the south end of the peninsula and at the eastern coast of Istria. The lighthouses are: Cape Savudrija lighthouse, Cape Tooth lighthouse, St. Nicholas lighthouse, St. John in the open sea lighthouse, Cape Peneda lighthouse, Cape Verudica lighthouse, Cape Porer lighthouse, Cape Marlera lighthouse and Cape Black Punta lighthouse.
Savudrija is the oldest active lighthouse in the Adriatic and also, the most northern Croatian lighthouse on the northwestern cape of the Istrian peninsula.
Lighthouse Cape Savudrija Info
The Cape Tooth lighthouse is situated on the Lanterna peninsula which is 13 km distance from Poreč and Novigrad. Peninsula Lanterna is situated between the Tar and Lunga bays.
Lighthouse Cape Tooth Info
On the west side of the islet of St. Nicholas which is situated near Poreč, the Venetians have built in 1403 a 15 meter tall lighthouse on the highest part of the island.
Lighthouse St. Nicholas Info
The St. John in the open sea lighthouse was built on the same named cliff which is situated in front of Rovinj. The local people from Rovinj call it Lanterna. It is the most distant islet of the small archipelago of 13 islands which are situated in front of Rovinj.
Lighthouse St. John’s cliff Info
The lighthouse was built in 1877th on the southernmost cape of the Veli Brijun island, the one of fourteen Brijuni islands which have always impressed people with their beauty.
Lighthouse Cape Peneda Info
The Verudica Cape lighthouse is situated on the same named cape which can be found across the island of Veruda, south from Pula. It is surrounded by woods and clear blue sea in the tourist village Park Plaza Verudela.
Lighthouse Cape Verudica Info
The Porer lighthouse, which is situated on the same named rocky islet, was built in 1833 and is situated a mile and a half southwest from the southernmost cape of Istria – Kamenjak.
Lighthouse Porer Cliff Info
The easternmost part in the south Marlera, which is situated about 6 km distance from Ližnjan, is the punta Grkova. The cape name is associated with the Greek colonization of Cyprus in the 16th century.
Lighthouse Cape Marlera Info
The lighthouse was built in the 1873 on the identical named cape at the standout part of the east Istrian coast. It is located about 1 km south of the village Skitača in the municipality Raša.
Lighthouse Cape Black Punta Info
The lighthouse of Cape Savudrija (Umag, Istria)
Savudrija is the oldest active lighthouse in the Adriatic and also, the most northern Croatian lighthouse on the northwestern cape of the Istrian peninsula.
Lighthouse Cape Savudrija Info
The lighthouse of Cape Tooth (Porec, Istria)
The Cape Tooth lighthouse is situated on the Lanterna peninsula which is 13 km distance from Poreč and Novigrad. Peninsula Lanterna is situated between the Tar and Lunga bays.
Lighthouse Cape Tooth Info
The lighthouse of St. Nicholas (Porec, Istria)
On the west side of the islet of St. Nicholas which is situated near Poreč, the Venetians have built in 1403 a 15 meter tall lighthouse on the highest part of the island.
Lighthouse St. Nicholas Info
The lighthouse of St. John’s cliff (Rovinj, Istria)
The St. John in the open sea lighthouse was built on the same named cliff which is situated in front of Rovinj. The local people from Rovinj call it Lanterna. It is the most distant islet of the small archipelago of 13 islands which are situated in front of Rovinj.
Lighthouse St. John’s cliff Info
The lighthouse of Cape Peneda (Brioni, Istria)
The lighthouse was built in 1877th on the southernmost cape of the Veli Brijun island, the one of fourteen Brijuni islands which have always impressed people with their beauty.
Lighthouse Cape Peneda Info
The lighthouse of Cape Verudica (Pula, Istria)
The Verudica Cape lighthouse is situated on the same named cape which can be found across the island of Veruda, south from Pula. It is surrounded by woods and clear blue sea in the tourist village Park Plaza Verudela.
Lighthouse Cape Verudica Info
The lighthouse of Porer cliff (Medulin, Istria)
The Porer lighthouse, which is situated on the same named rocky islet, was built in 1833 and is situated a mile and a half southwest from the southernmost cape of Istria – Kamenjak.
Lighthouse Porer Cliff Info
The lighthouse of Cape Marlera (Liznjan, Istria)
The easternmost part in the south Marlera, which is situated about 6 km distance from Ližnjan, is the punta Grkova. The cape name is associated with the Greek colonization of Cyprus in the 16th century.
Lighthouse Cape Marlera Info
The lighthouse of Cape Black Punta (Rasa, Istria)
The lighthouse was built in the 1873 on the identical named cape at the standout part of the east Istrian coast. It is located about 1 km south of the village Skitača in the municipality Raša.
Lighthouse Cape Black Punta Info