Če se odločite, da bi v različne kraje na Hrvaškem pripotovali po vodi, lahko pri nas kupite karte za trajekt med Italijo in Hrvaško. Ponujamo vam nakup na naslednjih linijah:
- Benetke - Umag,
- Benetke - Pulj,
- Benetke - Poreč,
- Benetke - Rovinj
In pri drugih destinacijah.
Karte za trajekt na Hrvaškem
Book your ferry ticket to Croatia online!
Most of visitors will confirm that ferry services is the best traveling way if you want to enjoy in the sea and in the sightseeing of Croatian coast but according to the economy and others facts in this country, most of touristic ferry lines are only available during the summer season. Some international lines and those which connect islands and their citizens with the land are exceptions.