Strandtyp: Kiesstrand, Felsstrand
Empfehlenswert für: romantische Paare, Abenteuer
Strand Cape Guštinja, Rovinj (Rovinj, Istrien)
Strand Cape Guštinja, Rovinj, Reiseführer für Urlaub in Rovinj, Istrien
Strand Cape Guštinja, Rovinj – Wir empfehlen
Cape Guštinja is about 7 km distance from Rovinj and it is not possible to reach it by car. It is a wild beach where there are no sports grounds, sanitary facilities or any gastronomic or other services The most beautiful beaches in Cape Guštinja are three little bays covered with grovel. It has an easy access to the sea and the beaches are very suitable for children. The other beaches are mostly stony and have more or less accessible coastal parts.Foto zu kaufen
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