Valtura je malá vesnice situovaná 11 kilometrů severovýchodně od Puly. Je slavná pro svou kulturu a bohatou historii, která sahá až do římské éry. Pouhé 2 kilometry odtud se nachází Nesactium, původně velmi důležité město z doby bronzové, které je oblíbeným cílem profesionálních i amatérských archeologů.
Valtura (Medulin, Istrie)
Valtura, Travel Guide for holidays in Valtura, Istria
Valtura – Points of interests

Valtura is not more than 10 km away from Pula. Locals who want to escape the routine humdrum of the city head out here for peace and quiet. This Istrian village is small and tame and the presence of nearby Nesactium is another attraction. In pre-Roman times Nesactium with his legendary king Epulon, was the capital of the tribal population of the peninsula called Histri. In 177 BC the town was defeated by the Romans and destroyed. Rebuilt upon the original Histrian pattern, it was a Roman town until the 46-45 BC, when the ancient Greek colonies Polai was elevated to Pietas Iulia, today Pula.
Valtura is definitely a great vacation town.
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