Šišan je malebná vesnička na jihozápadě Istrie, vzdálená pouhé tři kilometry od Ližnjanu. Původní osada byla vybudovaná v počátcích římské nadvlády. Nyní je vesnice známá svým tradičním trhem, který se pořádá každoročně v červnu (můžete se zde podívat pletení rybářské sítě a také jak tradičním způsobem utěsnit rybářskou loď).
Šišan (Medulin, Istrie)
Sisan, Travel Guide for holidays in Sisan, Istria
Sisan – Points of interests

East of the hill lies Monte Madonna in which the remains of the top of the hill-fort settlement with dual wall. During the First World War, in the 1915th, there were built fortifications of battery group Monte della Madonna with cannons which aim was to defend the port of Pula. The fortifications were later used by all governments for their own purposes, to the 1950s, began designing and building underground bunkers.
Today the inhabitants grow the typical Istrain product such as grapes,olives and farm livestock. Šišan is a small village where to escape from the traffic and city noise,have a wonderful relaxing vacation not far from the seaside.
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