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Enjoy our Day Trips and Excursions
Excursion to National park Brijuni
The sightseeing tour includes: a ride by tourist train, visit to the remains of the Roman villa rustica from the I century B.C. in the bay of Verige, and the safari park which breeds the following animals: zebra, Somali sheep, zebu (the holy east Indian humped ox), dromedary, llama and elephant,visit to Tito’s museum.
Excursion to National park Brijuni Info
Excursion to National park Plitvice lakes
The visit to the National Park Plitvice Lakes will sure be an unforgettable experience, because of its beautiful nature, the many rumoring waterfalls and lakes and rich shadows of its mountain trees…
Excursion to National park Plitvice lakes Info
Excursion to Baredine
The sightseeing lasts 40 minutes, visitors descend along a 300m long pathway up to 60m below the ground and an underground lake and visit 5 beatifully decorated chambers.
Excursion to Baredine Info
Excursion to Venezia
An exciting excursion, since a visit to a city with such an interesting and rich past, with the famous Ponte dei Sospiri, the Palazzo Ducale and the omnipresent gondolas, is something that everyone should experience.
Excursion to Venezia Info