Cave Baredine (Porec, Istria)

Meet the mystical world of nature which has been developing for thousand of years, far away from the light of the day and the human eye…
Cave Baredine Info 
Cave Pazin (Central Istria)

Some hundred metres beneath the largest and best preserved medieval castle in Istria…
Cave Pazin Info 
Cave Festinsko kraljevstvo (Zminj, Central Istria)

In the very heart of Istria, near the village Festini, close to Zminj, the cave Kingdom of Festini surely stands out by its natural beauties…
Cave Festinsko kraljevstvo Info 
Cave Mramornica (Brtonigla, Istria)

One of the largest caves in Istria, Mramornica cave is a true gem of the Istrian underground. Mramornica was mentioned as early as 1770…
Cave Mramornica Info 
Romuald’s Cave (Lim Channel, Istria)

When at the turn of the millennium Romuald came to these parts from Ravenna, he was already well known for his miraculous deeds…
Romuald’s Cave Info 
Marko’s Cave (Porec, Istria)

Pit rich calcite decorations, underground rooms, with two freshwater lakes on the lowest point…
Marko’s Cave Info 
Cave Monfiorenzo Fantazija (Rovinj, Istria)

This site is a unique example of sedimentology limestone, one of the most important and most interesting quarries in the world…
Cave Monfiorenzo Fantazija Info 
Pincin’s Cave (Porec, Istria)

One of the first discoveries of habitat Olm (Proteus anguinus) in Croatia. The cave is a rich calcite decorations, underground rooms and lake…
Pincin’s Cave Info 
Cave Modra Spilja

The cave Blue Grotto has two openings, a small artificially deepened, through which you can get in with a boat. The second entry has the shape of an arc and is much more larger then the first one, and is located under the sea level. Through the opening the sunlight penetrates into the cave, which passes through the water filling the entire cave of a silver glow blue.
Modra Spilja Info Cave Cerovacke Spilje

Cerovac Caves are located in the southern part of the nature park of Velebit and are among the most famous in Croatia. The complex consists of three caves (lower, middle and upper) with 4 km of explored canals. For a guided tour, you can visit the first 700 m of Gornja and Donja Spilja.
Cerovacke Spilje Info