Do you want to know how the weather will be in Istria in the next days? Here you can find the current weather in Istria and a weather forecast for the next 7 days. Further you can find the current weather temperature of the adriatic coast in Croatia below.
Weather in Istria: air and sea temperatures, weather forecast
Current weather conditions in Istria
Live web cams in Istria: Porec, Pazin, Labin, Rovinj

Average daily air temperatures in Croatia
January: 5 °C
February: 6 °C
March: 8 °C
April: 13 °C
May: 16 °C
June: 21 °C
July: 24 °C
August: 24 °C
September: 20 °C
October: 16 °C
November: 11 °C
December: 8 °C
Average sea temperature in Croatia
January: 11 °C
February: 11 °C
March: 10 °C
April: 12 °C
May: 15 °C
June: 20 °C
July: 24 °C
August: 24 °C
September: 20 °C
October: 17 °C
November: 14 °C
December: 12 °C