Barban, Travel Guide for holidays in Barban, Istria
Barban – Points of interests

Barban is a medieval town which was apponited in the 13th century to Pazin feud under the rule of Counts of Gorica and from 1474 to 1797 was part of the Venetian area. In this long period many bulidings were given a Venetian lookk. In 1815 Istria was assigned to Austria under whose authority it remained till the end of the First World War. The past left visible traces in the architectural curiosities : the remains of city walls, well preserved bulidings from the Baroque and Gothic. On the square, to which you can come through Vela doors is the St. Nicholas church with five Gothich marble altars. On the same square there is a City Hall from 1555 which has a balcony and a clock tower. Lovers of cultural heritage will be attracted by a restored tradition from the 17th century. It consists in piercing a ring suspended on a horizontally stretched string with a spear from the saddle of a calvacating horse. The race is held every August.
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