Rakalj (Marcana, Istria)
Rakalj, located in the northeast of Pula and 12 km northeast of Marčana, is a small town on the west bank of the Raša bay. Residents deal with traditional agriculture,livestock farmine, mining of building stone in the surrounding areas. In recent years, begins to develop rural tourism and sightseeing. Rakalj introduces visitors to traditional Istrian pottery and ethnographic collection of old Istrian artifacts.
Rakalj Info -
Duga Uvala (Marcana, Istria)
One of the 4 beautiful coves of bay Vinjole, located on the eastern coast of Istria, 25 km away from Pula and only a few kilometers from Marčana. It stretches on the north side with beaches ideal for children and youth, and along the southwestern coast consists of accommodation ideal for holiday tourists.
Duga Uvala Info -
Krnica Porat (Marcana, Istria)
Krnica (Carnitia) is located in inland Istria, about 25km southeast of Pula, on the regional road toward Pula. In the past, it was called St. Mary of Krnica. Residents deal with agriculture and fishing.
Krnica Porat Info
Marčana, Cestovný sprievodca pre dovolenku v Marčane, Istria

V meste dominuje farský kostol sv. Petra a Pavla z 15. storočia s vežou so zvonom z roku 1846. Marčana je známa aj pre stredoveký kostol sv. Antona Paduánskeho, ktorý bol rozšírený koncom 16. storočia a zasvätený v roku 1709. Neobjavené a atraktívne pobrežie Marčany sa strmo vnára do čistého a hlbokého Jadranského mora. V tejto pobrežnej oblasti prevažuje pekná zelená krajinka a zátoky, ktoré ponúkajú neoceniteľný výhľad na horizont, a kúpanie v krásnom modrom mori.