Beach Girandella (Rabac, Istria)
The Beach Girandella is located under the same name touristic settlement where are offered many touristic contents, bars, restaurants, sport fields and shops. The beach is covered with rocky and concrete parts. The Blue Flag waves on this beach, as well. Here you can rent different sport equipment, deck chairs and umbrellas. Here, in this beautiful location it is organised the Traditional Summer Festival of Electronic Music.
Beach Girandella Info -
Labin, Istria
Labin ,the medieval town, is situated on the hill above Rabac. The old name - Albona- was first mentioned in 285 AD. Here in this little town was born Matthias Flacius Illyricus, the reformer and collaborator of Martin Luther. Today is Labin a cultural and administrative center . The cultural and architectural heritage live uo thanks to the many art ateliers and by the bustling youth gathering in the coffee bars spread around the old town.
Labin Info -
The Church of Saint Andrija (Rabac, Istria)
The Church of Saint Andrija dates back to the 15th century. Inside it can be seen an altar with the statues of Saint Mihovil, Saint Juraj, St.Peter and St. Paul. The bell tower near the church is 35 meters tall.
Church of Saint Andrija Info -
Beach Maslinica (Rabac, Istria)
The Beach Maslinica is a long pebbled beach where waves the Blue Flag. Not far from the beach you can find many accommodation facilities, bars, restaurants and sport fields. There are entertainment contents and rental of water- sports equipment. One part of the beach has been adapted for people with special needs.
Beach Maslinica Info -
Raša, Istria
Raša is the youngest town in Istra. On the personal initiative of Mussolini, the town construction started in the middle of 1936. At this time the town was built in order to accomodate the miners and mining. It was named after the river that flows through the settlement. Even if today Raša is white because of the stone and concrete, Raša was in fact built of coal. The town square is dominated by St. Barbara church, the patron of all miners. The church itself is shaped like an upturned coal-mine cart, while the church tower has the shape of a coal mine lamp.
Rasa Info
Rabac, Cestovný sprievodca pre dovolenku v Rabacu, Istria
História mesta Rabac

Jeho prvý hotel, Hotel Quarnero, bol postavený v roku 1889. V prízemí hotela sa nachádzalo iba niekoľko izieb a krčma. Kaiser, rakúsky dôstojník, ktorý bol bežným klientom prvého hotela, neskôr kúpil Dubrovu, oblasť v blízkosti Labinu. Dnes sa v Dubrove koná Sympózium so stredomorskými sochármi a mesto sa preslávilo aj svojím parkom sôch. V roku 1925, v období talianskej vlády, sa otvoril prvý väčší hotel v centre mesta Rabac a bol nazývaný "Terst" – dnešný názov je "Primorje". Kapacita hotela nemohla uspokojiť stále rastúci dopyt turistov, hlavne zo severnej časti Talianska. Preto sa začal intenzívnejší rozvoj súkromného ubytovania. Cestovný ruch na Istrii a v Rabacu sa začal rozvíjať v šesťdesiatych rokoch. Odvtedy boli postavené všetky hotely, apartmány, kempingy a väčšina súkromných domov. Medzi pravidelnými návštevníkmi sú Nemci a Rakúšania, po ktorých nasledujú Angličania a Taliani.