Motovun Közép-Isztria egyik városa, mely egy a Mirna folyó völgyét uraló meredek domb tetején található. 1052 lépcsőfok vezet fel a tetejére, és alapvető kinézete alig változott a középkor óta. A városfalak szinte érintetlenek, a köralakú városszerkezet pedig a domb alakjához lett igazítva. Ha a tetejéről lenézünk, láthatjuk Motovun parkerdő kategóriába sorolt erdejét, illetve a szőlőskertekre is csodálatos kilátás nyílik.
Motovun (Közép-Isztria)
Motovun, Travel Guide for holidays in Motovun, Istria
Motovun – Points of interests

The late-Renaissance church of St. Stephen was built right at the beginning of the 17th century refering to sketches probably designed by the well-known Venetian architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580). The church contains several works of art: the marble statues of St. Stephen and St. Laurence by Francesco Bonazzo and the 17th-century painting of the Last Supper over the altar by an unknown Venetian artist. The water cisterns in the square in front of the church date from the 14th and 15th centuries.
The forest of Motovun The river Mirna flows below the hill and on the other side of the river there is the well known Motovun forest, an area of about 10 square kilometres in the valley of the river Mirna, of which 280 hectares (690 acres) is specially protected. This area diverges completely not only from the nearby forests, but also from those of the entire surrounding karst region because of its wild life, oist soil and rich-with-prized-black-and-white truffles (Tuber magnatum), which grows successfully here. Since this fungus grows underground, it is found and collected with the aid of specially trained dogs. In order to preserve natural conditions for the development of the Motovun forest, the protected area is occasionally flooded, even though the River Mirna is controlled and its entire valley protected from flooding.
On the slopes of the hill, grapes for famous Istrian wines are grown: the Teran and the Malvazija wine. The legend of Veli Jože Motovun is known among today’s population of Istria as the city of Veli Jože, the good gentle giant who symbolizes the Croatian people of Istria. The story written by Vladimir Nazor, one of the most important Croatian writers of the 20th century, was a response to the national struggles of the Croats for equality against fascism (1900-1914). The tale is known today throughout Croatia, while the character of Veli Jože (Big Joe) is quite correctly linked with the city.
A street in Motovun Since 1999, Motovun has hosted the international Motovun Film Festival for independent and avant-garde films from the U.S. and Europe. The biggest current local issue is the battle between foreign developers, who have proposed two 18-hole golf courses and a 500+-bed resort in the valley below the town, extending the existing 9-hole course and some of the local community, who are opposed to the proposals because of objections against the real estate speculation around the project, rejection of 123 building sites for villas in the protected natural environment and concerns about possible damage to their truffles growing on the other side of the river. The community is divided on the issue, as many welcome the development as a year round aid to jobs and local tourist revenues.
Church of St. Stephen and fountain Motovun’s ground plan is reproduced on the reverse of the Croatian 10 kuna banknote, issued in 1993, 1995, 2001 and 2004.
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