Beach Polari Bay and Cape Eva, Rovinj, Travel Guide for holidays in Rovinj, Istria
Beach Polari Bay and Cape Eva, Rovinj – Points of interests

Polari Bay and Cape Eva (Punta Eva – naturism) are located 3 km from the town center within the campsite Polari. The coast is mostly stony and some parts are are paved with cobble stones in order to make easier the access to the sea. On the northern side of Polari Bay there is located a pebble beach which is very suitable for children. Next to the beach a playground has been set up . When coming to the southern part of Polari Bay, you will come to a little quay and a little port. In this part the seashore is stony and the entrance into the water it’s not easy accesible. After Polari Bay there is Cape Eve (Punta Eva), a nudist beach that extents till the end of the campsite.
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