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Novigrad is a small fishing romantic town, located at the mouth of the river Mirna, on the north- western part of the Istria. Originally, it was Greek and then became a Roman colony. In the Byzantine period (6th century) it was expanded and given the name Neopolis. In the year 1270 it was subjected to the Venetian rule. It is known that in the past, the area of Novigrad and Brtonigla was very rich with beautiful oak trees. The traces of the Venetian authorities can be seen façades of houses in narrow streets that lead to the main square. In order to defend itself the city walled in the 13th century but couldn't resist the Turkish attack in 1687 when it was partially destroyed. The attack was aimed at the conquest of Vienna. After the short Napoleon Rule it started the Rule of the Habsbursg till the beginning of the 20th century, after which came under the Italian Government till the end of IIWW when Novigrad became part of Yugoslavia, till the independence of Croatia.
Riviéra Novigrad - 10 vecí, ktoré môžete robiť a vidieť
The beach is located in the tourist area near the hotel Maestral, which is placed one kilometer from the center of town Novigrad. You can reach the beach by cemented path that leads you from the hotel. Here you can enjoy your vacation by spending your day at the pebble beach with paved parts and an accesible entrance into the sea which, for its cleanliness and equipment, water purity and quality of service, was awarded with the Blue Flag. There is a lifeguard service that watches swimmers throughout the day. At the beaches you can rent beach deck - chairs, and nearby there are tennis fields, swimming pool and other sports facilities. For the youngest, there is an attractive offer which includes Aqua Park, pedal boat and other rental possibilities. There is the hotel restaurant , outdoor grill restaurant and bars by the sea if you need refreshment or you want to order a meal.
Belvedere Resort is situated right on the seaside, only a couple of minutes on foot from the old town core of Vrsar. Wonderful outdoor swimming pools and sunbathing areas, beautiful designed beach and promenade, a restaurant and many other facilities are offered on this pebbly beach.
Savudrija is a small fishing place located on a small peninsula, only 9km from Umag. Its trade mark is an old lighthouse, built in the name of love between an Austrian nobleman and a local girl. It is famous for numerous historic findings – ancient history, in the Roman, Medieval period.
Butori ponor
Waterfall is fenced, and the path to its base is decorated and protected by a fence so that you can easily put down. Slap on the river Arđila and below the falls and gorge.
Parenzana, the route of the former railroad has been turned into a real attraction for hikers and bycicle riders. If you walk or cycle at least over a part of its 78 km route, you will be touched by its tunnels, bridges and viaducts, as well as by its fascinating woodlands and picturesque small towns at the top of the hills among whose town walls you can taste some most delicious regional specialties.
Zvonik Novigrad
In 1883, the Novigrad comune (municipality) commissioned the erection of a campanile next to the St. Pelagius' Church, a free-standing bell tower crafted after St. Mark's Campanile in Venice.
City walls Novigrad
They were the work of local master builders, which, in lengthy and persistent labour, at first constructed low defensive fortifications, and later, in their traditional manner, erected high walls with the characteristic battlements, made of cut quarrystone. The walls were renewed repeatedly. An older square tower stands next to the former city gate, while the round towers stem from the Renaissance. The latest restoration works on wall fragments lining Prolaz Venecija and the seashore side of the Brolo Park were carried out in 2004/05.
Tennis Umag
Umag-Novigrad region is definitely the number one tennis destination in Croatia and the Mediterranean. The most popular tennis tournament is held specifically in this region: ATP Croatia Open Umag. There are also many tennis schools here. Players and professionals compete and enjoy themselves on over 60 modern tennis courts. Due to the comfortable climate, the tennis season does not stop even during the winter months, and the effort of playing in the summer is made easier by a refreshing sea breeze.
Lapidarium Novigrad
The museum collection comprises architectural elements (door sills, lintels, openwork window panels, coats of arms, etc.) and to a large degree liturgical inventory (altar plates, ciboria fragments, pilasters, capitals, etc.), originating from between the 1st and the 18th century. The most significant holdings of the Novigrad Lapidarium Museum belong to the collection from the Early Middle Ages, including the well-preserved Mauritius Ciborium from the end of the 8th century, a rare example of Early Carolingian art in the region. Between 1964 and 1993, the collection was housed on the ground floor of the Rigo Palace. From 1994 to 1998, it was in storage, and during this time the exhibits were conserved and restored. Today, the valuable collection is housed in the Lapidarium Museum, where its most outstanding pieces are on permanent display. The museum building was designed by the Randiæ- Turato architectural office from Rijeka and constructed in 20032006. Representing a successful combination of the old and the new, with its modern concept the building not only provides a suitable frame for the exhibits, but also contributes to the revitalization of the city centre.
Najbližšia pláž
Pláž Town beach Novigrad
The town beach of Novigrad is located near the tourist area near the hotel Maestral, which is placed one kilometer from the beach. You can reach the beach by cemented path that leads you from the hotel. Here you can enjoy your vacation by spending your day at the pebble beach with paved parts and an accesible entrance into the sea.
o pláže
Vonkajšie sprchy
Beach bar
Novinový stánok
Lehátka / Slnečníky na prenájom
Kabíny na prezliekanie
Druh pláže
Z jemného štrku
Betónové platne
Nudistické pláže
Modrá vlajka
Plážový volejbal
Malý futbal
Vodných bicyklov
Detské ihrisko
Vodné skútre
Mladí ľudia
Zábava a nočny život
Rodinné pláže
Romantické pláže
Ľudia so zdravotným postihnutím
Pláže pre psov
Malé deti
Pláže v blízkosti
Pláž Maestral viac
The beach is located in the tourist area near the hotel Maestral, which is placed one kilometer from the center of town Novigrad. You can reach the beach by cemented path that leads you from the hotel. Here you can enjoy your vacation by spending your day at the pebble beach with paved parts and an accesible entrance into the sea which, for its cleanliness and equipment, water purity and quality of service, was awarded with the Blue Flag. There is a lifeguard service that watches swimmers throughout the day. At the beaches you can rent beach deck - chairs, and nearby there are tennis fields, swimming pool and other sports facilities. For the youngest, there is an attractive offer which includes Aqua Park, pedal boat and other rental possibilities. There is the hotel restaurant , outdoor grill restaurant and bars by the sea if you need refreshment or you want to order a meal.
o pláže
Vonkajšie sprchy
Beach bar
Novinový stánok
Lehátka / Slnečníky na prenájom
Kabíny na prezliekanie
Druh pláže
Z jemného štrku
Betónové platne
Nudistické pláže
Modrá vlajka
Plážový volejbal
Malý futbal
Vodných bicyklov
Detské ihrisko
Vodné skútre
Mladí ľudia
Zábava a nočny život
Rodinné pláže
Romantické pláže
Ľudia so zdravotným postihnutím
Pláže pre psov
Malé deti
Pláž Laguna viac
The seashore near the Hotel Laguna, less than 100 m away, is carefully adapted for the bathers. It is a beach made of stone and shingles, equipped with changing cabins and showers, as well as lounger and parasol rental. The beach below Hotel Laguna offers a great area for sunbathing and rest and you can even find shade below the high pine-trees. Nearby, there is also our aqua park with various facilities for children.
o pláže
Vonkajšie sprchy
Beach bar
Novinový stánok
Lehátka / Slnečníky na prenájom
Kabíny na prezliekanie
Druh pláže
Z jemného štrku
Betónové platne
Nudistické pláže
Modrá vlajka
Plážový volejbal
Malý futbal
Vodných bicyklov
Detské ihrisko
Vodné skútre